Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Hinterlands in Dragon Age: Inquisition is a forest area leading to Redcliffe, and is the first external location visited past Haven and the Frostback Mountains. Dragon Age: Inquisition its Single Player (with Multiplayer Option) Role-Playing Video Game released on November 18th 2014, for PC Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4. Dragon Age: Inquisition side quests that occur in the Hinterlands. Letter from a Lover Map to a Waterfall Playing with Fire Praise the Herald of Andraste Business Arrangements Safeguards Against Looters In the Elements Map of Farmland Cave Use "Search" button ("V" on PC) very often, It shows the hidden secrets, resources and loot. Apart from that, the map also presents the whereabouts of standards. The only two quests you have to complete before "In Your Heart Shall Burn" are "Templars in the West" and "Apostates in Witchwood." On one hand, this gives us an advantage. At some point the Inquisitor can look into the significance of the shards collected and why the Venatori are so interested in acquiring them.